Senior Advisor
About Shawn
A Senior Advisor at Shawmut Strategies Group, Shawn Duhamel is a nationally recognized public policy, labor, and government affairs advocate. With thirty years of experience, Shawn is an effective coalition builder and expert communicator, with deep analytical skills.
Since 2018 Shawn has led the lobbying, advocacy, and grassroots outreach with the Mass. Dentists Alliance for Quality Care. Specifically, he has worked closely with Dr. Jill Tansi, Dr. Kristine Grazioso, and the Alliance members on legislation related to the Assignment of Benefits, as well as a Patients Bill of Rights.
In addition to his role at SSG, Shawn serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Retired State, County and Municipal Employees Association of Massachusetts. Commonly known as “Mass Retirees”, the non-profit Association represents more than 52,000 retired Massachusetts public employees and surviving spouses. Now in his 28th year with the Association, Shawn is a leading expert in public retirement, healthcare, Social Security, and Medicare policy. He is also a sought-after public speaker on retirement, health care and coalition building.
Through his various roles at Mass Retirees, Shawn has served as a member of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Labor Advisory Committee for more than a decade. He also served as the Association’s designee on the state’s 2012 Municipal Health Insurance Reform Commission.
After beginning his career as a legislative assistant with the Massachusetts General Court, Shawn has gone on to serve in key roles in public, private and non-profit sectors. A pioneer in the use of new media to increase transparency and enhance political dialog, Shawn founded Old Colony Group in 2005. The digital media consulting firm specializing in political communication, website design, social media and digital communication strategy. Shawn has had the pleasure of serving in a variety of consulting, digital media, and political communication roles for the campaigns of former Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Congresswoman Katherine Clark, State Treasurer Deb Goldberg, along with multiple state legislative and municipal government candidates throughout Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire.
Shawn resides in Dorchester, with his wife Nicole and daughter Abby.